Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The topic sounds strange isn't it. ? Reason being credit cards are used to spend money and not to earn from it.The credit card companies lures the new customers with the offer of no interest on purchases , but this offers runs out and they are slammed with high standard rate. For those who carry balance on their cards this usually means spending extra money on interest. Now imagine that you could spend on your credit card without having to pay at the end of each month and also not to spend much on the interest. This can be done with a unique plan, given below, that gives you the capacity to spend freely using credit cards but comes with a profit instead of cost.
1. Check out the companies which offer zero interest introductory offers for several months. Apply for such card. 
2. Once you get the card switch all your spending/purchase on the card instead of paying them with cash or check. Use the card as often as possible.At the end of the month pay the minimum amount on time.
3. After you have paid the minimum amount, take the remainder of your cash and put it into high yield saving account. Over time the money that you have put into the account will grow far fast what you need to pay off your credit card bill. Since the card has zero interest, it wont cost you anything to revolve your balance. This way you will be earning big on your savings account.
4. Lastly when the time comes for the zero interest offer to expire, pay the balance amount of your card with the principle money in your savings account. This will leave you with a net profit of all the interest you earned.

Hope you have like this simple way to earn free money just by doing your normal spending

The stressed collective staggers against the consenting body.

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