Thursday, October 28, 2010


I was surprised to see one of my friends earning substantionally on the internet. Surprised because he was a sort of person who never took anything seriously be his work or anything. In other words a lazy person, but when he showed his earnings on the net I was shocked. When asked he told me that he has become a sort of writer and earns money by writing articles to companies like Triond, Associated Content, Bukisia etc. I also knew that he was not a sort of person who can put hours in writing a good article. On probing further he told me how he does that. I am putting below the plan step by step which he follows:

  1. Join companies like Associated content, Bukisia etc.
  2. Search for “Dragon Naturally Speaking Software” on the search engines and download it.
  3. Go to articles directories like ezine, articlebase etc and find popular articles on variety of topics.
  4. Get the gist of the articles and read on the mic of the software and let eh Dragon do the writing for you.
  5. Read the article again and do some minor rewriting/editing.

A new unique article is obtained in 10-15 minutes. Make sure that you have catchy title for your articles. Now submit it to the websites and earn. Let us say if the article is submitted to Associated Content and if approved you get paid $5.

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